Bible Mnemonics: Angels and the Speed of Thought

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Angels and the Speed of Thought
- - - (Note: If you get lost in Chapter 1, Go to chapter 2 – Basic Mnemonic Skills)

Once upon a time or rather beyond and outside of this time, in the company of angels, we look out of the One Reality made up of a thousand universes. See the activity in the 'sub'm tote'm' universe. s=0, u=nothing, sub=0 9, sub’m= 0 93, sub’m tote=0 93 1 1, sub’m tote’m=0 93 1 1 3.
- - - (Note: the term ‘sub’m tote’m’ comes from the number 093113 by way of a phonetic-numeric code which follows in a later log. The number 093113 comes from 09th book (1 Samuel) 31st chapter and 13th verse. This is the last verse that will begin with 0 and the sound s or z. All verses from 01 (Genesis) 01st chapter 01st verse or Genesis 1:1 - 1 Samuel 31:13 begin with 0 and the s or z sound, therefore mnemonically the terms 1 Sam 31:13, 093113, and sub’m tote’m represent the boundary or the last 0, or s and z sound verses , in the book – chapter – verse system.)
- - - (Note: thousand is always a 10x10x10 3-dimensional spatial image. The space in question comes from the 1st half of the name
sub’m or 0 9 3; 0 locates the 0 - 1st plate, 9 locates column 9 from the right, and 3 locates row 3 from the top.)

Angels have sub-contracted out the work there and the tote'm activity has already started.
- - - (Note: the story is created by using images from the terms, thus sub’m is seen as sub-contracting and tote’m is seen as
toting things and/or totem poles.)
Let's go there now.

Now that we are on our way, Angel, can I ask you a question?

Yes, anything and anytime.

Why are we going, and why this particular place?

Well, i know that you have a longing toward inwardly knowing all the verses of the Bible and that you presently have the funnel (from general to specific) level of thinking, and so these journeys are customized for you, to give you the desire of your heart, to get you from hear to there, to allow you to experience all the verses that exist to the fullest of your ever expanding capacities.

Wow! thank you, excitement and joy wheels a picking up speed in my stomach.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step -- Lao Tze.

A journey in a thousand universes begins with a single thought – Archangel Ing.

Here we have a good view of the one thousand clusters of galaxies that make up this ‘sub’m tote’m’ universe. That cluster there, is the 'tote'm top up' cluster. t=1, o=nothing, tote=11, tote’m=113.
- - - (Note: every other level is used to link the levels above and below together without presenting any new information.)
- - - (Note: ‘tote’m top up’ cluster only has three numbers under it instead of six. This is because we only need the first half ‘tote’m’ for location and the second half ‘top up’ for the associative quality.)

From here you can see the shape of a convertible pick-up used for tote'm transport and someone has the top up. The top up convertible is being washed with yuppie soap. That swirl there is the 'top up yuppie soap' galaxy (t=1, top=19, top up=199, top up yuppie=1999, top up yuppie soap=199909) made up of a thousand solar and non-solar systems.
There is the 'yuppie soap naps' system. yu=nothing, p=9, yuppie=9, yuppie soap=909, yuppie soap naps=909290.
This system has a thousand planets; and if we pause them for a moment, on the outside rings we can see the 'naps mint' planet. n=2, a=nothing, naps=290, naps mint=290321.
Let's enter the orbit of this wonderfully aromatic planet. Notice the continents, there are of course a thousand of them, but that one is the 'mint maps' continent. m=3, i=nothing, mint=321.
The ten levels of this continent contain a thousand countries and we will land in the 'maps rose ash' country over there. m=3, maps=390, maps rose=39040, maps rose ash=390406, This country is vast made up of a thousand cities.
Let's find the 'rose ash ropes' city. r=4, rose=40, rose ash=406.
Notice the ten levels of city blocks, we are headed for an address in the 'ropes shiner' city block. r=4, ropes=490, ropes shine=49062, ropes shiner=490624.
Of all the thousand skyscrapers found here we want that one, the 'shiner lupis' skyscraper. sh=6, shiner=624. Our address is 590520 ‘lupis lines’ apartment. l=5, lupis=590, lupis lines=590520.
Knock, knock. Hello, 'lines shaved' room please. lines=520.
It is no surprise that there are a thousand moving crates in each room, we want to find the 'shaved begosh' crate: sh=6, shave=68, shaved=681, shaved be=6819, shaved begosh=681976.

Inside the crate pick up the 'begosh shaved' box. begosh=976.
Inside the box pick up the 'shaved begosh' block. shaved=681.
Inside the block pick up the 'begosh shaved' cube. begosh=976.
Get out your magnifying glass and microscope:
Inside the cube find the 'shaved begosh' grain. shaved=681.
On the grain find the 'begosh shaved' cell. begosh=976.
On the cell find the 'shaved begosh' molecule. shaved=681.
On the molecules find the 'begosh Suzie’s' atom. begosh=976.
On that atom find the 'Suzie’s sauces' electron. S=0, Suzie’s=000.
This particle also represents the 'Suzie’s sauces' universe. S=0, Suzie’s=000.
Wee will go there tomorrow!
- - - - - next go to the phonectic numeric code - - - - -

Blogger> Overview

Monday, February 27, 2006

Phonetic Numeric Code

--- continuation of Chapter 1 ---

Good Morning, Yesterday we learned the last chapter and verse of the books of the Bible by ten.

We did?

Yes! We did so on our journey by making use of a phonetic-numeric code hidden in our
seeO-TheOnumeralogicO fabrications.
s=0, seeO=0, seeO-TheO=01, seeO-TheOnu=012, seeO-TheOnum=0123, seeO-TheOnumer=01234, seeO-TheOnumeral=012345, seeO-TheOnumeralogi=0123456, seeO-TheOnumeralogicO=01234567, seeO-TheOnumeralogicO fab=0123456789.

If you don’t know the code do a search on the world wide web using these words: peg-word, major system, sound numbers; and take the time to learn it.
Here is a quick reminder:

Phonetic Code:

1 = t or d, one vertical line
2 = n, two vertical lines
3 = m, three vertical lines
4 = r, the last letter of fouR
5 = L, roman numeral 50
6 = sh or ch or soft g, 6 is an upside down g
7 = g or k or hard c, k has an upside down 7 in it
8 = f or v, f looks like a cursive 8 with two loops
9 = b or p, all have one bubble
0= s or z, the first letter of Zero

Also take comfort in knowing that we are continuing in an important work as we finagle numbers and sounds to aid our memory. We are carrying on the work of a German monk (spiritual athlete) Gregor Von Feinaigal, born in 1807, who himself had picked up the patton from a long line of mnemonicists, reverends, and spiritual athletes (monks).

Now here are the seven, six digit numbers hid in our sow-Theonumeralogico fabrication.
s=0, sow=0, sow-Theonumeral=012345, sow-Theonumeralogico=01234567, sow-Theonumeralogico fab=0123456789.

sub’m tote’m universe=0 9 3 1 1 3, Book 09=1 Samuel, Chapter=31, Verse 13.
top up yuppie soap galaxy=19 99 09, Book19= Psalms, Chapter=99, Verse=09.
naps mint planet= 2 90 3 21, Book 29=Joel, Chapter=03, Verse=21.
maps rose ash country=3 90 40 6, Book 39= Malachi, Chapter=04, Verse=06.
ropes shiner city block=4 9 0 6 2 4, Book 49= Ephesians, Chapter=06, Verse=24.
lupis lines apartment= 5 9 0 52 0, Book 59= James, Chapter=05, Verse=20.
shaved begosh crate=6 8 1 9 7 6, Book 68= Ps119b, Chapter=119, Verse=176.

(Note: 681976 is not the last verse of the Bible but it is the largest mnemonic numbering of verses, therefore it is a boundary number for the entire Bible with relation to the book – chapter – verse - system.)

We are using two extra book spaces (book 67 and 68) in the Bible having split the Psalms into two books and also Psalm 119.
We split the book of Psalms and Psalms 119 in order to retain a 6 digit pattern for all the verses. We are also beginning to learn the books of the Bible in a very strategic way:

Ps. 119b is the ‘shaved begosh’ crate located in a thousand roomed apartment named James –alias; lupis lines, 590520, James 5:20.

James is the ‘lupis lines’ apartment located in a thousand skyscrapered city block
named Ephesians – alias; ropes shiner, 490624, Eph 6:24.

Ephesians is the ‘ropes shiner’ city block located in a thousand citied country named Malachi – alias; maps rose ash, 390406, Mal 4:6.

Malachi is the ‘maps rose ash’ country located in a thousand continented planet named Joel – alias; naps mint, 290321, Joel 3:21.

Joel is the ‘naps mint ’ planet located in a thousand systemed galaxy named Psalms 99 – alias; top up yuppie soap, 199909, Ps 99:9
(Note: Psalms 99:9 is the boundary for book 19 because Psalms 100:1 produces a 7 digit number 1910001.)

Psalms 99 is the ‘top up yuppie soap’ galaxy located in a thousand clustered universe named 1 Samuel – alias; sub’m tote’m, 093113, 1 Sam 31:13.

1st Samuel is the ‘sub’m tote’m’ universe, one of a thousand, in the One Reality.

Meet me hear after lunch.

- - - - - next go to abstract universe finder - - - - -

Blogger> Phonetic Numeric Code

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Abstract Universe Finder

--- continuation of Chapter 1 ----

Good afternoon, do you remember the ‘Suzie’s sauces’ particle/electron? (S=0, Suzie’s=000) Good. If not, you can always go back in the travel log and relive your trips.
This electron hidden deeply in the ‘shaved begosh’ crate, also represents the entire 000000, SSSSSS, double SSS, or double triple S universe.
We will show you another time how to pinpoint the exact built-in locations in the three dimensional base ten systems, but for now lets look out over the thousand universes and find the double SSS or 000000 universe.

Notice on our illumined abstract universe finder that there are three groups of plates; 3, 3 and 4, [organized like a ten digit phone number (012) 345-6789] with each plate organizing 100 universes each.
Lets look at it from the back, now the 4 plates are closest to us [9876-543 (210)].
The double SSS universe, also called the ‘Suzie’s sauces’ universe is located at the rightmost, topmost, area of the one reality abstract grid, looking from the back.

Let’s go there now:
In this universe also look there at the rightmost, topmost, farthest corner.
That is the ‘sauces saddle’ cluster of galaxies. s=0, sauce=00, sauces=000.
Travel into it with angel transport and find the ‘saddle cinch’ galaxy. saddle=015, saddle cinch=01 50 26.
The address is always found in the name as such: saddle is first and is the location on the x-y-z axis of 0-1-5 because saddle=015, cinch is second and is the specific connection with the next location.
(Note: drop back to the 0(099) or 1st plate, then to the (19) or 2nd column, then the 6th row, #5.) it is easy to find after you develop your base ten skills, and then there is never any confusion concerning location.
Look at the many systems in our view within this ‘saddle cinch’ galaxy=01 50 26.
That is the ‘cinch sinner’ system. cinch=026. See the hangman’s noose?
In the planets that make up that circle of the noose we want to find the ‘sinner is movie’ planet=02 40 38.
The thousand continents on this planet are also very vast, lets hover over the ‘is movie simon’ continent. is movie=038.

Over there! That is the country of ‘simon gamer’=03 27 34.
Onward to ‘gamer serum’ city. gamer=734.
Over-viewing the city blocks on ten levels until we locate the ‘serum ush time’ block=04 36 13. Remind me to go over with you sometime on how to use abstracts and maps.
Quickly finding the ‘ush time salem’ skyscraper (ush time=613), and on to the address 053412 ‘salem writing’ apartment=05 34 12.
Knock. Knock. Hello. The ‘writing sashing’ room please. writing=412.

We survey the moving crates looking for the ‘sashing remummy’ crate=06 24 33.
Inside the crate, find the ‘remmumy sigon’ box. remmumy=433.
Inside the box, find the ‘sigon tunnel’ block=07 21 25.
Inside the block, find the ‘tunnel safes’ cube. tunnel=125.
Inside the cube, find the ‘safes running’ grain=08 04 22 using your magnifying glass.
On the grain using your microscope search for the ‘running sub’m’ cell. running=422.
On the cell locate the ‘sub’m tote’m’ molecule=09 31 13.
Isolate the ‘tote’m design’ atom. tote’m=113.
Carefully reveal the ‘design r nail’ photon particle=102425, #102425.
(hint: represents the 10th book, last verse; (2 Sam.24:25)
This particle/photon also represents the ‘design r nail’ universe=10 24 25,

Wee will make that trip one day!
Let’s break and meet back at the illuminated abstract universe finder this evening after supper.

- - - - - next go to book by book - - - -

Blogger> Abstract Universe Finder

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Book by Book

--- continuation of Chapter 1 ---

Good evening. Do you have any questions?
Yes, concerning yesterday mornings journey which gave us the books of the Bible by ten, why all the repetition in these lower items?
[the 'shaved begosh' crate:
Inside the crate pick up the 'begosh shaved' box.
Inside the box pick up the 'shaved begosh' block.
Inside the block pick up the 'begosh shaved' cube.
Get out your magnifying glass and microscope:
Inside the cube find the 'shaved begosh' grain.
On the grain find the 'begosh shaved' cell.
On the cell find the 'shaved begosh' molecule.
On the molecules find the 'begosh Suzie’s' atom.
On one atom find the 'Suzie’s sauces' electron, #000000.]

Well, because our list is less than a full list of ten references. We do not have a hundred books but rather 66 books plus the book and chapter that we split. In order to connect this list of lists with another without confusion we must carry the last address down to the lowest or particle/electron level.

However anything in the One Reality can have an hyperlink to anything else and can be reached via hyperdrive. For example:
‘shaved begosh’ crate=681976 and ‘saddle cinch’ galaxy=015026 can be associated.
‘sub’m tote’m’ universe=093113 and ‘sub’m tote’m molecule=093113 can be associated.

And if one gets confused with blended symbols or lost for lack of memorable addresses or stopped because of broken sequences or brain spin because of loss of underlying structure or attacked with psuedonemuralogicophobia=0123456789; they can go back to the travel logs.

And please know that Theonumeralogico vibs=1234567890 are easily entreated, and learned best without anxiety or inward strife. The greater the peace, the greater the joy, the greater the joy, the more useful the mind. And recall our rule of priority based on the commandment – thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy (1st)heart, (2nd)soul, and (3rd) mind....; when there is movement in the inner entity of the heart, withdraw its energy which is the mind and abide in its essence without thought, except for the Jesus prayer.

To fast forward through our previous journey this morning, read, say, and associate these clips:
[reality universe cluster galaxy system planet]
[planet continent country city city block skyscraper]
[skyscraper apartment room crate box block]
[block cube grain cell molecule atom]
[atom particle universe ]

[reality, sub’m tote’m, tote’m top’up, top up yuppie soap, yuppie soap naps, naps mint]
[naps mint, mint maps, maps rose ash, rose ash ropes, ropes shiner, shiner lupis]
[shiner lupis, lupis lines, lines shaved, shaved begosh, begosh shaved, shaved begosh]
[shaved bgsh, begosh shaved, shaved begosh, begosh shaved, shaved begosh, begosh Suzie’s]
[bgsh Suzie’s, Suzie’s sauces, Suzie’s sauces]

[sub’m tote’m, top up yuppie soap, naps mint]
[maps rose ash, ropes shiner]
[lupis lines ,begosh]

[1 Sam 31:13, Ps 99:9, Joel 3:21]
[Mal 4:6, Eph 6:24]
[Jam 5:20, Ps 119:176]

Did you know that the journey this afternoon added the first nine books of the Bible to our first list; Bible books 01-09? Now here are the nine, six digit numbers hid in our pseudonumeralogico fabrication=0123456789:
‘saddle cinch’galaxy=0 1 5 0 26, Book 01= Genesis, Chapter=50, Verse=26.
‘sinner is movie’planet=0 2 4 0 3 8, Book 02= Exodus, Chapter=40, Verse=38.
‘simon gamer’country=0 3 2 7 3 4, Book 03= Leviticus, Chapter=27, Verse=34.
‘serum ush time’ block=0 4 3 6 1 3, Book 04= Numbers, Chapter=36, Verse=13.
‘salem writing’ apartment=0 5 3 4 1 2, Book 05= Deuteronomy, Chapter=34, Verse=12.
‘sashing remummy’crate= 0 6 2 4 3 3, Book 06= Joshua, Chapter=24, Verse=33.
‘sigon tunnel’ block= 0 7 2 1 2 5, Book 07= Judges, Chapter=21, Verse=25.
‘safes running’ grain=0 8 0 4 2 2, Book 08= Ruth, Chapter=04, Verse=22.
‘sub’m tote’m’ molecule= 0 9 3 1 1 3 Book 09= 1 Samuel, Chapter=31, Verse=13.

Do you have any other questions this evening, since this place is cozy and tomorrow will be a new day for adventure?

Yes, what (if any) journeys do you have in mind for the future?

Well, i’m glad you asked that, sit back as i paint a picture in your mind with this large paint brush.
We will continue the succession of journeys that give us all the boundary references of the books and then chapters of the Bible, inwardly allowing us to know how many verses per chapter and chapters per book, and ultimately a view of all that does and does not exist.
Although the book, chapter, verse system of the Bible is difficult for the human mind because of its repetition of lower numbers and 1,190 seemingly separate lists of verses (a verse?, which is in itself abstract and contains and unspecified number of concepts); however the system is used extensively and exclusively on earth.

One great advantage of the book, chapter, verse system is that the ‘verse’ can expand or shrink to represent any translation, version, or even any language. One day we will visit a universe in the One Reality where a public domain English version of the Bible is represented by a wide circular structure in space; with gold, red, and blue threads that link the location of every word, and the number for every word, and the numbers of the sounds of six word phrases for every one of its 789, 656 words!
It is a beautiful sight.

And knowing that we have eternal life there is lots of time for us to at least explore the alternate universe that i know of, that links the original language word dictionary, with the English translation in English grammatical order.

And this is all connected to an example of one manifestation of the Bible in type set, complete with page numbers and complete literary outlines of the entire text, not to mention the numbered comments associated with key words in the text placed on page numbers! I have seen wormhole alignments, alternate universes, hyperdrives, and beauty beyond imagination without ever visiting all the places on even one planet. But no surprise for inward knowledge ever expands.

Before we call it a night and while one idea leads to another i want to share with you a far reaching practice.
Referring back to our original journey, we were introduced to the ‘sub’m tot’m’ universe=093113. Well, this was named/peg-worded from an ancient intuitive pseudonumeral chart=0123456. Not only can and should each peg-word be customized by each traveler which is an ever increasing skill in itself but, each peg-word has a corresponding peg-phrase (derived from the first consonant of each word) from the Bible.

So, i will give you the peg-phrases relating to your first journey.
'sub’m tote’m' universe=0 9 3 1 1 3, Book 09=1 Samuel, Chapter=31, Verse 13.
'sitteth Upon many waters With whom'. First consonants [s p m t th m] = 09 31 13.
'top up yuppie soap' galaxy=19 99 09, Book19= Psalms, Chapter=99, Verse=09.
'to be beaten before his pie'. First consonants [t b b b s p] = 19 99 09.
(note: pie is retained from original chart)

'naps mint' planet= 2 90 3 21, Book 29=Joel, Chapter=03, Verse=21.
'and Priscilla salute you much in the'. First consonants [n p s m n th] = 29 03 21.
'maps rose ash' country=3 90 40 6, Book 39= Malachi, Chapter=04, Verse=06.
'him because his hour was shoe'. First consonants [m b s r s sh] = 39 04 06.
(note: shoe is retained from original chart)
'ropes shiner' city block=4 9 0 6 2 4, Book 49= Ephesians, Chapter=06, Verse=24.
'run before his chariots And he rye'. First consonants [r b s ch n r] = 49 06 24.
(note: rye is retained from original chart)

'lupis lines' apartment= 5 9 0 52 0, Book 59= James, Chapter=05, Verse=20.
'Leather about his loins And he said'. First consonants [L b s l n s] = 59 05 20.
'shaved begosh' crate=6 8 1 9 7 6, Book 68= Ps119b, Chapter=119, Verse=176.
'shall vomit them up again shoe'. First consonants [sh v th p g sh] = 68 19 76.
(note: shoe is retained from original chart)

It is to much to cover in one night but remind me also sometime in the future about the, ‘how to find what’s close to you where ever you are in the One Reality’ ability.

Let’s call it a night, we will have a collective solo tomorrow, or as you say on earth, we will meet tomorrow at the same time and same place.

- - - - - next go to favorite bible verses - - - - -

Blogger> Book by Book

Friday, February 24, 2006

Favorite Bible Verses

--- continuation of Chapter 1 ----

Good morning, are you ready for a great adventure? Let’s travel to one of the most famous places of modern times if not the most famous, we are going to ‘John Three Sixteen’.

As we speak we are nearing ‘Suzie’s sauces’ universe. Suzie’s=000.
Stay up top and to the right from the back and we are reaching ‘sauces Suzie’s’ cluster. sauces=000.
Guide Top and right again and there is ‘Suzie’s sauces’ galaxy. Suzie’s=000.
Reduce to space ship encapsulation please - That’s right, there is the ‘sauces Suzie’s’ system. sauces=000.
Reducing our speed ‘Suzie’s sauces’ planet. Suzie’s=000.
Slowing, and ‘sauces Suzie’s’ continent. sauces=000.
Hovering over ‘Suzie’s (loved the world)’ country. Suzie’s=000.
Finding ‘loved the world that he gave his’ city. First consonants [l th r th g s] = 514170.

Now these cities are smaller than what we have seen before, they are made up of a thousand skyscrapers only, which are equal to one city block in most other universes, so here these cities are one tenth in size.

In this city go to ‘(that he gave his) (shall cast lots)’ skyscraper. First consonants [th g s] = 170.
Find the address 675905 ‘shall cast lots upon sail’ apartment. First consonant [sh c l p s] = 675905.
Please show us the ‘(upon sail) (reverence my sanctuary)’ room. Consonants [p s l] = 905.

Now these rooms are smaller than what we have seen before, they are made up of a thousand boxes only, which are equal to one crate in most other universes, so here these rooms are on tenth the size.

Look in the ‘reverence my sanctuary I am the shoe’ box. First consonants [r m s m th sh] = 430316.
Now these boxes have cards with addresses on them rather than the usual cube, grain, cell, ect., decent.
Locate the ‘(I am the shoe) (gave his only)’ card. First consonants [m the sh] = 316.
Read the ‘gave his only begotten son that’ address. First cosonants [g s n b s th] = 702901.
This address gives us the next city destination. From a great distance in space this creates a great circular structure that i spoke to you about before.

These peg-phrases and their short hand numerals give us one central phrase in John Three Sixteen, the numbers of the words, and the book-chapter-verse:
‘loved the world that he gave his’ First consonants [l th r th g s] = 514170.
‘shall cast lots upon sail’ Consonants [sh c l p s l] = 675905.
- - - (note: sail is retained from original chart. One slang peg-word used for this peg-phrase is ‘Shakeal Loved Basil’)
43rd BOOK (JOHN) 03rd CHAPTER 16th VERSE
‘reverence my sanctuary I am the shoe’ First consonants [r m s m th sh] = 43 03 16.
- - - (note: shoe is retained from original chart)

Meet me after lunch.

- - - - - next go to perspective - - - - -

Blogger> Favorite Bible Verses

Thursday, February 23, 2006


--- continuation of Chapter 1 ---

Good afternoon,
Now for a quick review of our journey:
After we found the ‘loved the world that he gave his’ city=514170 - in a certain country,
and the ‘shall cast lots upon sail’ apartment=675905 - in a certain skyscraper,
and the ‘reverence my sanctuary I am the shoe’ box=43 03 16 - in a certain room,
there is an address on a card in the box which is
‘gave his only begotten son that’ address=702901 (which is on the card).
This address locates and names another city, the next city!

But before we go there, we want to go back five words and pick up a phrase that has the first words of John 3:16 for the sake of completeness.
We are currently at word number; [6 7 5 9 0 5=‘shall cast lots upon sai l’] which is the number for the word ‘loved’;
so let us go back to number; [6 7 5 9 0 0=‘shall cash lots upon sau ce] which is the number for the word ‘eternal’.

Now lets close the box, get out of the room, out of the apartment, out of the scraper, and out of the city, back into a slow orbit.

Things to talk about later:
1. It is advantageous to use digits in sets of three (to express x,y,z axis). The convention for counting 10 digits is as follows:
_0 1 2, 3 4 5
________5 6 7, 8 9 0
link count count count count count
_________link count count count count count

causing 012 345 567 890.
> The 5 and 0 in 567 890 are mnemonic holograms allowing us to continue our phone number visuals while using 12 digits! smile.
> and we have 3, 6, 9, and 12 digits but have only a list of 10 digits because 2 digits are for linking.
> This marriage of base 10 counting and 3-dimensional representation is valuable.
consequently allowing us to learn strings of continuous 24 digit numbers
consequently allowing us to learn strings of continuous 60 digit numbers
> it would be good preparation for one of the world memory contests
> if competition was reasonable, which it is not. Competition promotes comparisons, which is a shadow and distraction when one lives in His uncreated light.

2. numbers as short hand for text and how to connect them for a continuous string
3. understanding sequences of related travels
4. while we are in the neighborhood, finding what is closest to us

5. known universe comparisons
> our macro-micro mnemonic reality is made up of a finite number or particles combined in 10x10x10 combinations to make ever larger 3-dimensional mnemonic items that each have a unique 3-dimensional location with relation to everything else (except for the condensed, parallel, and alternate universes):

one reality = 1 thousand universes 10 to the 3rd
o = 1 million clusters - 10 to the 6th
o = 1 billion galaxies - 10 to the 9th
o = 1 trillion systems - 10 to the 12th
o = 1 quadrillion planets - 10 to the 15th
o = 1 quintillion continents - 10 to the 18th
o = 1 sextillion countries - 10 to the 21st
o = 1 septillion cities 10 - to the 24th
o = 1 octillion city blocks - 10 to the 27th
o = 1 nonillion skyscrapers - 10 to the 30th
o = 1 decillion apartments - 10 to the 33th
o = 1 undecillion rooms - 10 to the 36th
o = 1 dodecillion crates - 10 to the 39nd
o = 1 tredecillion boxes - 10 to the 42th
o = 1 quattuordecillion cubes - 10 to the 45th
o = 1 quindecillion grains - 10 to the 48th
o = 1 sexdecillion cells - 10 to the 51st
o = 1 septendecillion molecules - 10 to the 54th
o = 1 octodecillion atoms - 10 to the 57th
o = 1 novemdecillion particles - 10 to the 60th

§ The scientists of earth believe that there are no more than 1 tringintillion (10 to the 72nd) particles in the entire known universe. Their famous large number is one googol (10 to the 100th), and then one googolplex [1 googol (10 to the 100th)to the googol (10 to the 100th)power]. Our mnemonic reality is much smaller because we have need of no more than twenty levels of containers to identify and link our lists of ten, 6-digit numbers; which then sets a pattern for infinite addition in one direction only. And so we are back to our largest construct – which is 60 digits. here we are in this slow orbit and our search is for ‘shall cast lots upon sauce’ apartment=675900. What city?, and building? i know this place and you shall shortly. There is the ‘sauces Suzie’s’ continent (suaces=000) again. Let’s hover over the [Suzie’s (eternal life For)] country. Suzie’s=000.
Land at the ‘eternal life For God so loved’ city=158705.
locate also the ‘(God so loved) (shall cast lots)’ skyscraper. God so Loved=705.
Find 675900 ‘shall cash lots upon sauce’ apartment=675900.
Knock. Knock ‘(upon sauce) (reverence my sanctuary)’ room please. upon sauce=900.
Picking up the ‘reverence my sanctuary I am the Lord’ box=43 03 15.
Sorting to the ‘(I am the shoe)(loved the world)’ card. I am the shoe=316.
Reading the ‘loved the world that he gave his’ address=514170, where we have already been!

Here is a piece of the Golden Thread connecting the cities and linking them all in sequence.
‘eternal life For God so loved=158705’
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _‘loved the world that he gave his=514170’
link count count count count count
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _link count count count count count
Our short hand 24 digit number is:
158705 675900 430315 514170
158705, five words and a link
_ _ _ _ 675900, number of the words
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43 03 15, book-chapter-verse
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _514170, five more words and link.

Our complete short hand digits to this point in our travels are as follows:
The books of the Bible by ten.
Truncated list of ten 6-digit numbers.
Plus the 1st 9 books of the Bible.
All verses beginning with 0 and sounds S or Z.
Full list of nine 6-digit numbers:

158705 675900 43 03 15 514170 Bible words 675,000 – 675010
_ (par: original, note;100166 095702)
514170 675905 43 03 16 702901 book – chapter – verse (Jn 3:16)
_ (par: original, note;040025 095702)
10 words in number short hand
links and threads

Is it possible to meet this evening? O.K., this evening it is.

- - - next go to familiar numbers - - -

Blogger> Perspective

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Familiar Numbers

--- continuation of Chapter 1 ---

Good evening,
so far we are learning the book and chapter boundaries,
also we are building knowledge around a favorite verse, Jn 3:16, 43 03 16, ‘reverence my sanctuary I am the shoe’.
What is your birthday? Jan 26th. What year? 1952. 01/26/52. Let’s go there next!

Genesis is the 01 book, and and it has at least 26 chapters, but but that chapter has only has 35 verses; so there is no correlation there.
The 012652 word of the Bible is ‘Isaac’ of Gen 21:12, a good solid connection.
The peg-phrase for your birthday, 012652 is: ‘seventh day and shall look and’=012652, which is found in Lev 14:39, and is also another solid connection.
Let’s find them in the abstracts and maps:

code=012652, book=03 14 39, number=083017, ‘seventh day and shall look and’=012652.
code=061097, book=01 21 12, number=012652, ‘Isaac shall thy seed be called’=061097.

And now the raw numbers for their place in space.
CitySk=219677, AparRo=083010, BoxCard=031439, AddCity=710126,
‘And the priest shall come again’=219677.
CitySk=710126, AparRo=083018, BoxCard=031439, AddCity=652981,
‘again the seventh day and shall’=710126.
CitySk=652981, AparRo=083020, BoxCard=031439, AddCity=097258,
‘shall look and behold if the’=652981.
CitySk=820610, AparRo=012650, BoxCard=012112, AddCity=097258,
‘for in Isaac shall thy seed’=820610.

According to our find there are 2 cities, 2 addresses, and 1 apartment engraphanating your birthday!
The 710126 address holds part of your birthday.
The 652981 address holds the rest.
The 710126 city holds part of your birthday.
The 652981 city holds the rest.
The 012650 apartment contains a room 652

And now our travel preparations are over, in the company of angels, we look out of the One Reality made up of a thousand universes. Grab the maps and abstracts even though they are transformational. Even from here we can see a small speck we know to be a dense circular structure, to the ‘Suzie’s sauces’ universe. Suzie’s=000.
Stay up top and to the right from the back and we are reaching ‘sauces Suzie’s’ cluster. sauces=000.

Guide top and right again and there is ‘Suzie’s sauces’ galaxy. Suzie’s=000.
Reduce to space ship encapsulation please - That’s right, there is the ‘sauces Suzie’s’ system. sauces=000.
Reducing our speed ‘Suzie’s sauces’ planet. Suzie’s=000.
Slowing, and ‘sauces Suzie’s’ continent. sauces=000.
Over there!, the [Suzie’s (and the priest)] country, Suzie’s=000
Land at the ‘and the priest shall come again’ city=219677.
Helicopter out to the ‘(shall come again)(strength of my)’ skyscraper. shall come again=677.

Hand me the blueprints please: ‘strength of my salvation thou hast’=083010
Knock, Knock. Hello, the ‘(salvation thou hast)(saw him they)’ room please. ‘salvation thou hast’=010.
Locate the ‘saw him they worshipped him but’ box=031439.
Sort to the ‘(worshipped him but)(again the seventh)’ card. ‘worshipped him but’=439.

And the address there is? 710126, January 26th, ‘again the seventh day and shall’ address=710126.
When we go to the city of this address we will find the year of your birth written on a card there, but first let’s look at the short hand:
- - - 219677 ‘and the priest shall come again’
- - - 083010 # of the word ‘and’, also the # of the complete phrase above
- - - 031439 found in the 3rd book (Leviticus), 14th chapter, 39th verse
- - - 710126 link, and five more words; ‘again the seventh day and shall’
- - - - - - engraphanating the month and day of birth,
- - - - - - clothing the special day with scripture,
- - - - - - memorizing another 24 digit number,
- - - - - - building inward Bible knowledge.

And now on to our next address, close the box, shut the door, up to the helicopter, and the map please, plate 799. Over there, the ‘again the seventh day and shall’ city=710126.
Helo over to the ‘(day and shall)(hast forgotten me)’ skyscraper. ‘day and shall’=126.
And building blueprints please: ‘hast forgotten me saith the Lord’=083015.
Knock, knock. Hello, ‘(saith the Lord)(saw him they)’ room please. ‘saith the Lord’=015.
Find the ‘saw him they worshipped him but’ box=031439.
Sort for the ‘(worshiped him but)(shall look and)’ card, ‘worshiped him but’=439.
And the address is? 652981, ‘shall look and behold if the’ address=652981, the year of your birth, and the location of the next city!

Here is the piece of the Golden Thread going through the cities and linking them all in sequence.
_ ‘again the seventh day and shall=710126
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _‘shall look and behold if the’=652981
_ link count count count count count
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _link count count count count count

There is one other solid lead that connects 01/26/52 with the Word. It is the coordinates of a certain box in a certain apartment? Let’s go back to the helicopter pad and dial in the 012,650th word of the Bible, the destination is ‘for in Isaac shall thy seed’ city=820610.
Over there, fly me now to the ‘(shall thy seed)(is there and)’ skyscraper. ‘shall thy seed’=610.
Blueprint please: ‘is therein and shalt hallow sow’=012650.
Go past box 650--- and 651--- to box 652--- for your birth year!
‘for in Isaac shall thy seed’
- - - word number 012,650 _ _ for
- - - word number 012,651 _ _ in
- - - word number 012,652 _ _ Isaac _ _ _ Lev 14:39
And with that i will bid you good evening. i will be available tomorrow if needed. God night.

--- next bible knowledge builder ---

Blogger> Familiar Numbers

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bible Knowledge Builder

--- continuation of Chapter 1 ---

Good morning,
This morning i think it is important to look at the many nips and bits of scripture that we have handled in our travels. At present we are pursuing 3 sequences of trips;
- - - 1st) book and chapter boundaries, (books by ten)
- - - 2nd) favorite and familiar verses, (Jn 3:16)
- - - 3rd) and every day numbers. (birthday)

By using peg-phrases for every number, regardless of the reason for the number, we are building a comprehensive inward Bible knowledge little by little, word by word with a remarkable criss-cross network of associations (which amounts to total recall). In the sequence of numbers derived from the text of the Bible, in sets of six, there are duplications and missing numbers. Where there are duplications we use the number closest to the end of the Bible. For missing numbers we use the closest peg-phrase and substitute a recognizable peg-word.

Many times the words in a peg-phrase must be linked together through association if the power of total recall is desired
- - - (PRINCIPLE: #610826 is the word ‘every’ from 40 04 04 (Mt 4:4); “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word....”).

Many times in order to link words together each word, especially the small and common ones, must have an image all their own. Be courageous for the Authorized English Bible vocabulary has only 12,679 words.

For the following numbers that we have used in our travels, see if the number lends itself to the peg-phrase. Look at the number and think, read, or say the peg-phrase. The location of these phrases can be listed another time also if helpful.
- - - 093113 ‘sitteth upon many waters with whom
- - - 199909 ‘to be beaten before his pie’
- - - 290321 ‘and Pricilla salute you much in the’
- - - 390406 ‘him because his hour was shoe’
- - - 490624 ‘run before his chariots and he rye’
- - - 590520 ‘leather about his loins and he said’
- - - 681976 ‘shall vomit them up again shoe’
- - - - - - - - - - - books by ten

- - - 015026 ‘saw the holy city new Jerusalem’
- - - 024038 ‘set in array as men for’
- - - 032734 ‘smote him and killed him rye’
- - - 043613 ‘certain rich man which had a ma’
- - - 053412 ‘his will him he heareth tune’
- - - 062433 ‘sake who shall not receive manifold more’
- - - 072125 ‘is granted unto thee and I will’
- - - 080422 house of Israel are uncircumcised in
- - - 093113 sitteth upon many waters with whom
- - - - - - - - - - - - First 10 books

- - - 158705 ‘eternal life For God so loved’
- - - 675900 ‘shall cast lots upon sauce’
- - - 430315 ‘reverence my sanctuary I am the Lord’
- - - 514170 ‘loved the world that he gave his’
- - - - - - - - - - - Part of Jn 3:16
- - - 514170 ‘loved the world that he gave his’
- - - 675905 ‘shall cast lots upon sail’
- - - 430316 ‘reverence my sanctuary I am the shoe’
- - - 702901 ‘gave his only begotten son that’

- - - 012652seventh day and shall look and’
- - - 031439 ‘saw him they worshiped him but’
- - - 083017 ‘was he of whom I spake he that cometh’

- - - 012652 ‘seventh day and shall look and’
- - - 012112 ‘second death And to the angel’
- - - 061097 ‘Isaac shall thy seed Be called’

- - - 219677 ‘And the priest shall come again’
- - - 083010 ‘strength of my salvation thou hast’
- - - 031439 ‘saw him they worshiped him but’
- - - 710126 ‘again the seventh day and shall’

- - - - - - - - - - - - Birthday connections
- - - 710126 ‘again the seventh day and shall’
- - - 083015 ‘hast forgotten me saith the Lord’
- - - 031439 ‘saw him they worshiped him but’
- - - 652981 ‘shall look and behold if the’

- - - 652981 ‘shall look and behold if the’
- - - 083020 ‘son of Amoz sent unto Hezikiah’
- - - 031439 ‘saw him they worshiped him but’
- - - 199021 ‘the plague be spread in the’

- - - 820610 ‘for in Isaac shall thy seed’
- - - 012650 ‘is therein and shalt hallow sow’
- - - 012112 ‘second death And to the angel’
- - - 097258 ‘seed be called and also of’

We are already at thirty-five 6-digit numbers, 35 phrases, and 210 words.
All of these number/peg-phrases can represent one or more of the following and therefore will become valuable:
- - - the number of a word in scripture
- - - a verse in scripture
- - - a mnemonic location
- - - a mnemonic item
- - - a mnemonic container
- - - a date
- - - a number
- - - a peg-phrase
- - - a peg-word

All of the 210 words above (except for the chart peg-words) also have a 6-digit number, a 6-digit location, and belong to six peg-phrases.

(Note) If you saw this addition in the travel log; (alt: page - literary,325705) , it is an alternate universe association representation as such; (Bible page 325, column 7, literary division 05).

(Note) If you saw this addition in the travel log; (par: original, note;100166 095702), it is a parallel universe association representation as such; [(10th Greek word, dictionary entry 0166) (Bible page 95, 7th column, literary division 02)].

Angel, May I ask you a question?


I am able to retain very little of what you instruct and even of what I have experienced on our journeys. I also have a sense that there also is a depth of understanding that is just beyond my grasp. My main motivation is to know the Word in a more inward way. Is there a remedy?

The ultimate inward way is not centered in the mind, but in the inner entity of the heart. That is where true prayer and unceasing prayer takes place. By prayer we mean the action of the Holy Spirit moving in these depths of one who holds the name and remembrance of Jesus. The mind and thoughts work as an energy of the soul, not the essence of the soul. The mind is secondary and was designed to serve the heart, therefore always withdraw and defer to the inner entity of the heart, for any number of situations.

Thank you, given the true inner reality and priority, is there any need for and aid to memory?

Indeed there is! The mind is included in the great commandment, given and to be obeyed for our own good, and the highest good of all. Let’s meet every morning and travel the thousand universes together, journey by journey; and these we will continue to log, beginning at Chapter 3 – The Journeys Continue. Let’s meet every evening and learn the memory aids; these we will log at Chapter 2 – Basic Mnemonic Skills.

--- next basic mnemonic skills (chapter 2)
--- or ---
--- next the mnemonic bible (chapter 3)

Blogger> Bible Knowledge Builder

Monday, February 20, 2006

Basic Mnemonic Skills - - - Chapter 2


How are you this evening?

Fine, thank you.

We will begin with the most simple of concepts and exemplify them using the Bible as our substance.
This will accomplish two things; to help isolate and develop the mnemonic skills, and to help increase our inward Bible knowledge.

Where shall we start in the Bible? Well, the natural divisions are the books. It is a great thing to know the books of the Bible, and thereby knowing the names of many wonderful people that had books named after them. Where shall we start concerning skills? The power of association.

- - - 1) Take a deep breath and relax. Clear your mind of all thoughts except our first one, Genesis. Hold this thought central and notice what associations you already have with this term. Now back to the term, if you were to pick up something to remind you of the term what would it be? May i suggest two examples; ....a genetic chart, ...and a generator.

- - - 2) Take a deep breath and relax. Clear your mind of all thoughts except this one, Exodus. Hold this thought central and notice what associations you already have with this term. Now back to the term – Exodus. Take your time. Hold the term long enough so that it gains center stage of your thought. If you were to find something that reminds you of this term what would it be? May i suggest two examples; exit sign, .............a CD-R with XO Dos written on it.

- - - 3) And now the association, choose a reminder of each item and bind them together into one unit. May i suggest two examples; .....a genetic chart where the exit sign should be, .........a generator balancing on the edge of a CD-R with XO Dos written on it. Hold the new unit as the central thought. Allow the other thoughts associated with each term to surface, ....don’t rush, ...... back to the new unit.

Now here is the secret; association and recall are nearly one and the same. Take a deep breath and relax. Clear your mind of all thoughts except for one of the previous ones, and notice what associations you already have – this is recall; if an association you desire does not readily appear, it is better to make one now than to pursue one that may not exist. If Genesis produces Exodus as one of it’s associative thoughts, then an association was made, if not, make one now. Many make the mistake of trying to remember the sequence of association steps made in the past rather than to notice what associations they already have. To recall the sequence of steps made at a previous time, to insure recall, is much more difficult than noticing what associations you already have and more difficult than binding-uniting-associating now.

Next, we will think about ‘using associations to count anything and using anything to count anything else.’ We are all experts in sounds, numbers, rhythm, and symbols. We have learned to speak, sing, read, count, write, and hundreds of various skills. There was a time when we learned our A,B,Cs and our 1,2,3s; now we use those sequences for the foundation of ordering anything we want without even thinking about them. We actually can use any sequence of sounds that we learn for the foundation of ordering other things, such as uno, dos, tres; or Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and even things that once were random.

Reading is a great joy and of great value. We are able to touch an endless storehouse of knowledge. Often times we find a specific text or book that we want to keep in a more inward way.
There is a fun way to effectively and efficiently go one step beyond reading; a way to build knowledge that stays with us; and to have that knowledge instantly available when we need it.
This 'step beyond reading' method is summarized in these simple steps:
- - - 1. select the text or book
- - - 2. change it into or see it as a list
- - - 3. number or sequence the list
- - - 4. learn the number-code system
- - - 5. make creative associations
- - - 6. repeat the process.
- - - 7. repeat the process, and again,again and, ect.

This allows one to know the information in and out of order; frontward and backwards.
And that ends our lesson, i will see you tomorrow evening.

--- next english origins ---

Blogger> Basic Mnemonic Skills - - - Chapter 2

Sunday, February 19, 2006

English Origins

--- continuation of Chapter 2 ---

How are you doing this evening?

Fine, thank you.

Seeing the syllables of words really helps the memory. English originally came for archangel Ing. Story has it that he was created with a very high intelligence. In his earliest times he was confined with a leash to a distant universe thus the name ‘Ing Leash’. The leash was long enough to reach a thousand window sills that were barriers to him. He was sill able but set with these bounds. All things were passed by the sills and the names he gave them as a child were recorded. The ‘Ing Leash Sill Able’ language was brought into being. On earth only a few linguists and semantists have discovered the value of syllables (sill able).

All angels in our realm are taught ‘Ing Leash Sill Able’. Here are a few glimpses of vocabulary training:
a 8718 !UH!
aaron 319 !AIR ON!
abaddon 1 !A BAD DON!
abagtha 1 !A BAG THTH UH!
abarim 4 !AB A REEM!
abase 4 !A BASE!
abased 4 !A BASE HEAD!
abasing 1 !A BASE SING!
abated 6 !A BATE HEAD!
abba 3 !ABBA!
abda 2 !ABB DA!
abdeel 1 !ABB DEAL!

And one more:
jeroboam 102 !CHAIR ROW BOW AM!
jeroboams 2 !CHAIR ROW BOW AMS!
jeroham 10 !CHAIR ROW HAM!
jerubbaal 14 !CHAIR RUB BAY ALL!
jerubbesheth 1 !CHAIR RUB BEE SHSH ETH!
jeruel 1 !CHAIR RUE L!
jerusalem 811 !CHAIR RUE SAIL HIM!
jerusalems 3 !CHAIR RUE SAIL HIMS
jerusha 1 !CHAR RUE SHAW!
jerushah 1 !CHAR RUE SHAW!
jesaiah 2 !CHESS AYE EYE AH!
jeshabeab 1 !CHESS SHAW BEE ABB!
jeshaiah 5 !CHESS SHAW EYE AH!

The way we are taught as angels, numbers are short hand for the ‘Ing Leash Sill Able’ bible. Here is a few verses from the ‘Ing Leash Sill Abel’ bible:


Our number charts look like this:
112111 222160 093112 192912 !T-HEM! !T-HAIR! !ANT! !T-HAY! !TOOK! !T-HARE!
192912 222165 093113 211628 !T-HARE! !BONES! !ANT! !BARE REED! !T-HEM! !UN DOOR!
211628 222170 093113 280121 !UN DOOR! !UH! !TREE! !TAT! !JAB ESH! !ANT! !FAST HEAD!
280121 222175 093113 171981 !ANT! !FAST HEAD! !SEVEN! !DAYS! !NO OUGH! !U-IT!

Do not worry about understanding the ‘Ing Leash Sill Able’ vocabulary, text, and number charts at this time. However the reason i introduce them is because there simply is no better or more thorough way to develop the mnemonic skills for building inward bible knowledge. The skills are a process and ever increase but the system is comprehensive and exhaustive.

All sound, syllable, and number conceal and reveal the Word of God; which exists as reality in the inner entity of the heart which was the organ created to apprehend the uncreated light and energies of God.

Is tomorrow night good for you?


Then tomorrow nigh it is.

--- next choose a verse ---

Blogger> English Origins

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Choose a Verse

--- continuation of Chapter 2 --- Choose a Verse

Good evening, you seem eager to get started, do you have a question?

Yes, if i wanted to learn a verse by itself, say 1 Sam 31:13, what would you recommend?

Here you are using logic and a dialect of Ing Leash syllabification.

09 31 13 And they took their bones, and buried them under a tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven days.
093113 [sub’m tote’m]
Who? did? what?\ They took bones.
Who? did? what?\ They buried them.
Who? What?\ They fasted.
And? who? did? which? what?\ they took their bones,
And? did? what? where? which? what? at? where?\ buried them under a tree Jabesh.
And? what? quantity? length?\ fasted seven days.
And? who? did? which? what?, and? did? what? where? which? what? at? where?, and? what? quantity? length?\ And they took their bones, and buried them under a tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

who? did? what?\ ‘andy t-hay took t-hair bones’,- - hay full of tees shaped like raggedy andy and thus, - - andy-tee hay.
bones made of hair that was used for tea thus, - - tea-hair bones.
the result of the meeting of andy-tee hay and tea-hair bones?
andy tee hay took tea hair bones,\ ‘and they took their bones’
now we have hay filled with tea-hair bones and filled with andy tees or you might call it andy-tee, - - tea-hair-bone hay!
where did it come from? andy-tee hay took tea-hair bones when they bumped each other\ ‘and they took their bones’.
and so 'and they took their bones' is pictured by hay!
- - - hay full of tees and bones
- - - hay full of andy-tees and tea-hair bones

what is the hay for? why, building materials in the sub'm tote'm universe, of course!
- - - Who? did? what?\ ‘They buried them’
- - - And? did? what? where? which? what? at? where?\ ‘and buried them under a tree at Jabesh’
- - - ‘andy burr-read t-hem under uuuuhh tree tat jay-bash’
- - - or - - - - - -reed- -hymn - - - - - - - - - - - - - -jab-ish
- - - - - and, andy, a raggedy andy.
- - - - - buried, burr-read, burr-reed, a cold book or stick.
- - - - - them, tee hem, tea hem, tee hymn, tee hymn, a time for tea and hymn singing

- - - - - a, uuuuuh, an art call (article), one of two artful calls.
- - - - - at, tat, a tattoo.
- - - - - Jabesh, jay bash, a bird party, jab ish, sparing with Archangel Ish.
- - - andy burr reed tea hymn under uuuuuh tree tat jab ish,
- - - and buried them under a tree at Jabesh,
- - - - - what we have is a hymn under Ish.
- - - - - what we have is a andy-burr-reed-tea hymn under a uuuuh-tree-tat-jab Ish.

now let's work on this hymn under Ish,
- - - it is a sweet hymn that andy-burr-reed tea makes while steeping,
- - - a tea made from an andy-burr reed rather than leaves,
- - - a reed that will freeze your hand called andy burr,
- - - a burr that grows out of a raggedy andy shaped pod.

thus we have a
- - - - - andy burr
- - - - - andy-burr reed
- - - - - andy-burr-reed tea
- - - and finally an andy-burr-reed-tea hymn

now let's work on Ish, (Ish the angel)
- - - let's learn this uuuuh-tree-tat-jab, shall we - Ish?,
- - - in sparing with Ish we are using a uuuuh-tree-tat jab,
- - - a jab from the arm with the uhhhh-tree tat (tattoo),
- - - a tattoo of an uuuuuuh tree,
- - - a tree commonly used for art call (article a) uuuuuuh,

thus we have an
- - - uuuuh tree,
- - - uuuuh-tree tat
- - - uuuuh-tree-tat jab
- - - and finally a uuuuh-tree-tat-jab Ish

There is a 'andy-burr-reed-tea hymn under uuuh-tree-tat-jab Ish,
- - - - - ‘and buried them under a tree at Jabesh’,
- - - who did what? hay\ ‘hay full of andy-tees and tea-hair bones’
- - - who did what? Ish\ ‘Ish learning an uuuuh-tree-tat jab over a andy-burr-reed-tea hymn’

And? what? quantity? length? \and fasted seven days
andy fast head safe hen days
- - - and, andy, a raggedy andy
- - - fasted, fast head, a foodless leader, a quick lettuce
- - - seven, safe hen, a hen shaped safe

days, a marked calendar
let's work on these days
- - - well the andy-fast-head-safe-hen days are for finding eggs,
- - - they are in the hens andy-fast-head safe,
- - - this safe has a andy-fast combination head - to twist,
- - - this andy merry-go-round is fast,

thus we have a
- - - andy fast
- - - andy-fast head
- - - andy-fast-head safe
- - - andy-fast-head-safe hen
- - - andy-fast-head-safe-hen days

who did what? hay\ ‘hay full of andy-tees and tea-hair bones’
who did what? Ish\ ‘Ish learning an uuuuh-tree-tat jab over a andy-burr-reed-tea hymn’
who what? days\ ‘days finding eggs from the andy-fast-head-safe hen’

And? who? did? which? what?, and? did? what? where? which? what? at? where?, and? what? quantity? length?\ ‘And they took their bones, and buried them under a tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven days’.

‘andy t-hay took t-hair bones, andy bur reed t-hymn under uuuuh tree tat jab-Ish,andy fast head safe hen days’.
- - - andy-tee hay
- - - took
- - - tea-hair bones,
- - - andy-bur-reed-tea hymn
- - - under
- - - uuuh-tree-tat-jab Ish,
- - - andy-fast-head-safe-hen days.
- - - hay took bones, hymn under Ish, days.
- - - bones hay, hymn Ish, days.
- - - hay Ish days,
- - - days.

Wow, that really places that verse in one’s mind but is all that really necessary?

No and Yes. Everyone has their own mind, purpose, and motivation. However this will give you long term recall, guaranteed. You are free to chose anything short of this detail and not lose, except for Word-forgetfulness which is nothing less than thievery by our enemy and his primary job.

- - - - next go to Links for Learning Mnemonics - - - -

Blogger> Choose a Verse

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Mnemonic Bible - - - Chapter 3


Good morning,

Before we begin more journeys let us spent the day going over another type of overview. This overview is a flat based, non imaginative, 2-dimensional type. The patterns and conventions here are important for some who are thus oriented.

But before that i feel it is important to give you a general warning. The enemy of our soul is indeed subtle and has been spotted in places where the nether world intersects with our thoughts. He is able to twist the wick burning the candle of truth, that is, to make wick head any true knowledge, labor, or experience if we allow it. Here then is the warning and flat overview.

- - - 1. Knowledge puffs up _ _ _ _ _ even Bible knowledge
- - - 2. The letter kill, but the spirit gives life _ ___ _ _on the surface we are dealing with letters
- - - 3. There is the written word and the Living Word _ _ _ _ _ the one testifies of the other
- - - 4. God's Word is a two edged sword _ _ _ _ _ handle carefully


The word 'mnemonic' is a Greek word and means - to assist the memory. By the use of the term 'Bible Mnemonics’' i mean - the use of a Biblical memory system as a frame of reference to assist one in memorizing anything, including the Bible. Bible Mnemonics’ is a comprehensive inward Bible knowledge building tool. By the use of the terms 'mnemonic bible, mnemonic book, mnemonic essay, ect.', i mean - a bible, book, or essay organized ideally and inwardly, for the purpose of total recall of the actual Bible, book, or essay.

The Bible has 66 books, however, in order to represent every verse of the Bible with a 6 digit number (example, Rev 22:21 as 662221), the Psalms must be divided into two books because of the high chapter count, and Psalms 119:100-176 also must be divided out into a book because of the high number of verses.

The divisions are as follows:
Psalms 1:1 - 99:9 is the 19th book of the Bible represented as 190101 - 199909
Psalms 100:1 - 150:6 is the 67th book of the Bible represented as 670001 - 675006
Psalms 119:1 - 119:99 is in the 67th book of the Bible represented as 671901 - 671999
Psalms 119:100 - 199:176 is the 68th book of the Bible represented as 681900 - 681976
All other books of the bible hold their regular sequential order 1 - 66.
The Bible has 66 books, plus the 2 books from the divisions above, making a total of 68 books.

The following is a list of books by ten with their 6 digit numerical representations:
1 Gen. 1:1 through 1 Sam. 31:13 _ _ _ _ 010101 - 093113
2 2 Sam 1:1 through Psalms 99:9 _ _ _ _100101 - 199909
3 Prov 1:1 through Joel 3:21 _ _ _ _ _ _ 200101 - 290321
4 Hosea 1:1 through Mal 4:6 _ _ _ _ _ _ 300101 - 390406
5 Mat 1:1 through Eph 6:24 _ _ _ _ _ _ 400101 - 490624
6 Phil 1:1 through James 5:20 _ _ _ _ _ 500101 - 590520
7 1 Pet 1:1 through Psalms 119:176 _ _ _ 600101 - 681976

The last number 681976 (representing Ps 119:176) is the highest number, the numerical boundary of all numbers involved in the Book-chapter-verse scheme, a representation of the entire list, and therefore also represents the entire Bible. Now all of the 31,094 verses of the Bible can be represented with the six digit numbers; 010101 through 681976.
The number 681976 also represent the full list (see above) of the Bible by books of 10. The first two digits of the right side of the above list (09,19,29,39,49,59,68), allow for an easy sequential remembrance of the list with the aid of phonetic/numeric peg-words.

Each number in the list also represents the final and largest Book-chapter-verse for each set of 10 books. By finding the sub-list of each list, and sub-list of each sub-list, one can construct a way to remember how many chapters are in each book, and how many verses are in each chapter.

What remains is to associate one key word or idea from each verse represented, to the 6 digit number of the verse, and then one has the tools to remember the Bible verse by verse, in and out of order. One approach is to use all of the key words that only occur once in the scripture thus locking in and separating thousands of verses.

By carrying this one step farther with this cumbersome Book-chapter-verse scheme one can tag on one more 6 digit number to remember every original word that is related to each verse. For example the last Greek word in Rev. 22:21 (662221) is 100281, 10 for the tenth Greek word in the verse, and 0281 for the strong's number of the original word.

Another 6 digit number can easily be constructed to tie everything to the page numbers of your personal bible if you so desired and also the type-set graphics.

Once we get a handle on the Book-chapter-verse numbering system of the Bible and the above method, we find ourselves involved at the word and thought level of the Bible.
The best way to potentially remember the Bible word for word (in and out of order) is to number each word.

By numbering each word, and because this gives each word a 6 digit number, and because of our base 10 counting system, we create a mnemonic bible based on multiples of 10. The book-chapter-verse system and mnemonic bible system intersect and network to create a wealth of material for free form associations, numeric/phonetic peg-word/phrase conversions, and recall. The Bible is found to have 789,656 words. Note the following display of a mnemonic bible:

The mnemonic bible ["Amen" (.789656 million words)] has 8 mnemonic 100,000 word books as follows:

book # text word # (Note: 5 decimal points - 0.00000, mark the word number as a book

1 that _0.99999
2 the _ 1.99999
3 all _ _2.99999
4 with _3.99999
5 hath _4.99999
6 the _ 5.99999
7 that _ 6.99999
8 Amen 7.89656
(note: all these 6 digit numbers require a personal numeric/phonetic peg-word/phrase)

Each mnemonic 100,000 word bible book, has 10 - 10,000 word mnemonic essays, for example lets look at the mnemonic book 'that 6.99999' from #7 above, made as follows:

essay # text word # (Note: 4 decimal points – 00.0000, mark the word number as an essay)

1 his _ _ 60.9999
2 and _ _61.9999
3 of _ _ _62.9999
4 unto _ 63.9999
5 from _ 64.9999
6 they _ 65.9999
7 And _ _66.9999
8 man_ _67.9999
9 officers 68.9999
10 that _ 69.9999

Each 10,000 word mnemonic essay is made up of 10 - 1,000 word mnemonic chapters, for example lets look at the 10,000 word mnemonic essay 'that 69.9999' from #10 above, made up as follows:

chapter # text word # (Note: 3 decimals – 000.000, mark the word number as a chapter)

1 Pavement 690.999
2 Jesus_ _ _691.999
3 me _ _ _ _692.999
4 the _ _ _ _693.999
5 leaping _ _ 694.999
6 that_ _ _ _695.999
7 in _ _ _ _ _696.999
8 land_ _ _ _697.999
9 heard_ _ _ 698.999
10 that _ _ _ 699.999
(note: all these 6 digit numbers require a personal numeric/phonetic peg-word/phrase)

Each 1,000 word mnemonic chapter is made of 10 - 100 word paragraphs, for example lets look at the 1,000 word mnemonic chapter 'that 699.999' from #10 above, made up as follows:

paragraph # text word # (Note 2 decimals – 0000.00, mark the word number as a paragraph)

1 clothes 6990.99
2 great 6991.99
3 healed 6992.99
4 men 6993.99
5 Ghost 6994.99
6 may 6995.99
7 And 6996.99
8 he 6997.99
9 him 6998.99
10 that 6999.99

Each 100 word mnemonic paragraph is made up of 10 - word lists of 10 words each, for example lets look at the 100 word mnemonic paragraph 'that 6999.99' from #10 above, made up as follows:

list # text word # (Note: 1 decimal – 00000.0, mark the word number as a list)

1 came 69990.9
2 here 69991.9
3 And 69992.9
4 thou 69993.9
5 Jesus 69994.9
6 the 69995.9
7 into 69996.9
8 baptized 69997.9
9 the 69998.9
10 that 69999.9

Each word list has ten words in numerical and incremental sequence, for example lets look at the 10 word list of 'that 69999.9' from #10 above, made up as follows:

word # text word # in context (Note: no decimals – 000000. marks the word level)

1 water 699990
2 the 699991
3 Spirit 699992
4 of 699993
5 the 699994
6 Lord 699995
7 caught 699996
8 away 699997
9 Philip 699998
10 that 699999
(note: all these 6 digit numbers require a personal numeric/phonetic peg-word/phrase)

Now that we have displayed a sample of the book-chapter-verse Bible number system and the mnemonic bible (based on a word count), we are ready to show the intersection and netscape of the two.

Let's take the word "astray" (Ps 119:176) from the phrase "I have gone astray like a lost sheep". This is our choice of a word or concept to make an association with the last verse of our 68 book Bible. The book-chapter-verse number is 681976. Associating "astray" with this number will give us an important idea for this important verse. "Astray" is the 416,136th word of the Bible. These two numbers come together from the two different numbering systems. Word number 416136 is contained in verse number 681976, so one can make the peg-word/phrase associations for future recall. 681976 has a unique position in the total book-chapter-verse number system.

416136 has a unique position in the total mnemonic bible as follows:

Mnemonic bible
- - - the word ‘astray’ 416136 is the seventh word in word list ‘lost’,
- - - the word list ‘lost’ 41613.9 is the forth list in the paragraph ‘of’,
- - - the paragraph ‘of’ 4161.99 is the second paragraph in the chapter ‘gate’,
- - - the chapter ‘gate’ 416.999 is the seventh chapter in the essay ‘to’,
- - - the essay ‘to’ 41.9999 is the second essay in the book ‘hath’,
- - - the book ‘hath’ 4.99999 is the fifth book in the mnemonic bible ‘Amen’
- - - the mnemonic bible ‘Amen’ .789656.

Book-chapter-verse system
- - - 681976 is the seventh set of 10 books in the Bible
- - - 681976 is the 68th book (the last two books are by division)
- - - 681976 represents the 1st divided chapter of a set of verses in Psalms 119
- - - 681976 represents the last verse of Ps 119:100-176

Let's take the word "know" (James 5:20) from the phrase "Let him know, that he which converteth...". This is our choice of a word or concept to make an association with the last verse of our 59th book. The book-chapter-verse number is 590520. Associating "know" with this number will give us an important idea for this important verse. "Know" is the 769,890th word of the Bible. These two numbers come together from the two different numbering systems. Word number 769890 is contained in the verse number 590520, so one can make the peg-word/phrase associations for future recall. 590520 has a unique position in the total book-chapter-verse number system as follows.

769890 has a unique position in the total mnemonic bible as follows:
Book-chapter-verse system
- - - 590520 is the sixth set of 10 books in the Bible
- - - 590520 is the 59th book of the Bible
- - - 590520 is the last chapter of James
- - - 590520 is the last verse of chapter 5

Mnemonic bible
- - - the word ‘know’ 769890 is the first word in word list ‘error’
- - - the word list ‘error’ 76989.9 is the tenth list in the paragraph ‘error’
- - - the paragraph ‘error’ 7698.99 is the ninth paragraph in the chapter ‘an’
- - - the chapter ‘an’ 769.999 is the tenth chapter in the essay ‘an’
- - - the essay ‘an’ 76.9999 is the seventh essay in the book ‘Amen’
- - - the book ‘Amen’ 7.89656 is the eighth book in the mnemonic bible ‘Amen’
- - - the mnemonic bible ‘Amen’ .789656.

Like "astray" and "know" in the examples above, any and every word has a number and location (in a verse and list) that intersect to form a network of intersections that are useful for learning, knowing, and remembering the Bible.

Not only can numbers be converted to meaningful sounds, for example;
- - - Gen. 50:26 - the 01 (first) book, 50th chapter, 26th verse
- - - 01 50 26 - finding a numeric/phonetic peg-word/phrase we use saddle cinch=01 50 26, but any text can be converted to numbers, for example;
"In the beginning God created the"=219771

So instead of using a peg-word, a 6 word biblical phrase can be used as a substitute such as; "saw the holy city new Jerusalem"= 015026.

And so we see that every word of the Bible has a number, location, and number for the 6 word phrase that it begins. The number of the word and the location of the word belong to two different intersecting numeric systems. The 6 word phrase that the word begins generates a 6 digit number that can be used as a numeric/phonetic peg-phrase.

Furthermore a 6 digit number can be tagged onto every verse, this number counts and identifies every word in the original language. Another 6 digit number can be tagged onto various words to identify their page number and literary information if so desired.

Here is the complete set of all of these 6 digit numbers:
- - - Book-chapter-verse 010101 - 681976
- - - word number 000001 - 789656
- - - 6 word phrase 000001 - 999999 (intermittent)
- - - original language --0001 - --xxxx (dependent on verse)
- - - page in Bible 001--- - 926--- (depends on book)

These all can be valuable for peg-word/phrase formation, free form association, sorting (for sequence and patterns), and total recall for all information and relationships involved.

As a side note there is one convention i noticed throughout the universes in general; In the book-chapter-verses system, when peg words are used, two three-word combinations are used for chapter boundary verses, and three two-word combinations are used for the rest of the verses, for example: for Gen 50:26, the peg word is saddle cinch, and for Gen 50:25 or less the peg word takes this shape - sud lace nail. However, there are many exceptions and in the development of each travelers skills anything that works and is pure (remember the enemies’ devises) is full of joy.

And so we end a full day of meditation concerning this type of overview. Enjoy the rest of the evening.

--- next using reference works ---

Blogger> The Mnemonic Bible - - - Chapter 3

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Using Reference Works

--- continuation of Chapter 2 ---

Good evening, you seem eager to get started, do you have a question?

Yes, how does bible mnemonics differ from what I consider ‘bible study’?

Well what mnemonics does is internalizes what exists in symbols, but always keep in mind that thoughts function different in the essential inner entity of the heart than they do in the mind, even memorization, which many mistakenly consider ‘knowing by heart’. View it from the inside out; the essential inner entity of the heart is the organ of communion with the uncreated grace-light-energy of God. This is the essence of the man’s heart-soul. The mind is the energy of the heart-soul which is where thoughts from the senses and spirit world are managed, and must defer to the essential inner revelation.

Revelation is an experience of prayer which is the action of the Spirit in the heart of one in remembrance of Jesus. Man’s spirit which completes the tri-unity image of God in man is actually the inner man’s handle on his body. When Jesus is in the heart man’s spirit becomes a ‘living knowledge derived from inward faith’ and is sensed, felt, and manifested.

Now concerning the ‘bible study’ part of the question. Most of what passes for bible study is a chasing of associations of one type or another hoping that some of them will stick. Mnemonics identifies, holds, and makes room for the associations on purpose.

i do not want you to stop your use of reference works but, i want you to realize that by understanding the manifold complex choices available to you in using them, and by developing mnemonic skills; you can humbly improve your knowledge base, prevent aimless wandering, and stop the chasing of one’s intellectual tail.

And so, here is a linear and systematic look at those choices in reference works:

Go to any word in the text. The word exists in the text, concordances, dictionaries, topics, and comments. You now have 20 lines of choices and sometimes more:
- 1. In the text you can go to the next word
- 2. In the concordance you can go:
- - - - -3. to the next word, or
- - - - -4. you can go to the first reference, or
- - - - -5. sometimes to a related concordance-word (if one exists).
- - - If you always choose choice (1.), the next word in the text, you will continuously read through the bible text.
- - - If you always choose choice (3.), the next word in the concordance, and follow that course you will continuously read the bible vocabulary in alphabetical order.
- - - If you have opportunity and choose choice (5.), a related concordance-word, you now can go to the next word from there in the concordance (3.) or to the first reference listed (4).
- - -If you choose choice (4.), going to the first reference listed, you have three more choices;
- - - - -6. go to the next reference, or
- - - - -7. go to the source dictionary.
- - - - -8. use the book-chapter-verse number to look up comments.
- - - If you always choose choice (6.), go to the next reference, you will read all the occasions of the existence of any word.
- - -If you choose choice (7.), go to the source dictionary, you have at least four more choices:
- - - - -9. read the definition
- - - - -10. look up the first related definition-word in the concordance
- - - - -11. look up the first related definition-word (if one exists) in the source dictionary
- - - - -12. look up the first related translated-word in the concordance
- - -13. If you return to a word in the source dictionary and look up the next definition-word in the concordance, and
- - -14. in the source dictionary (if one exists) until complete, giving you a feel for semantic domains.
- - -15. If you return to a word in the source dictionary look up the next translation-word in the concordance until complete.
-16. In the topics you can:
- - - - -17. go to the next topic
- - - - -18. go to the next sub topic (if one exists)
- - - - -19. read the facts
- - - - -20. use the book-chapter-verse number to verify facts in the text.

Let’s think exhaustive and start at the beginning or rather “In the beginning” as an example of above. (Ge 1:1)

The word “In” is not in the concordance in common form, next
The word “the” is not in the concordance in common form, next
The word “beginning” is in the concordance, next
Let’s choose option (5.), and go to the first related concordance-word ‘begin’, next
Let’s choose option (4.), and go to the first reference Gen 11:6: "And the LORD3068 said,559 Behold,2005 the people5971 is one,259 and they have all3605 one259 language;8193 and this2088 they begin2490 to do:6213 and now6258 nothing3808, 3605 will be restrained1219 from4480 them, which834 they have imagined2161 to do.6213 (
Let’s choose option (7.) and go to the source dictionary for ‘BEGIN 011106 102490’
A primitive root (compare H2470); properly to bore, that is, (by implication) to wound, to dissolve; figuratively to profane (a person, place or thing), to break (one’s word), to begin (as if by an opening-wedge); denominatively (from H2485) to play (the flute)

: - begin (X men began), defile, X break, defile, X eat (as common things), X first, X gather the grape thereof, X take inheritance, pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute, slay (slain), sorrow, stain, wound.

Let’s choose option (7.) and look up the first related definition-word ‘H2470’ in the source dictionary
A primitive root (compare H2342, H2490); properly to be rubbed or worn; hence (figuratively) to be weak, sick, afflicted; or (causatively) to grieve, make sick; also to stroke (in flattering), entreat: - beseech, (be) diseased, (put to) grief, be grieved, (be) grievous, infirmity, intreat, lay to, put to pain, X pray, make prayer, be (fall, make) sick, sore, be sorry, make suit (X supplication), woman in travail, be (become) weak, be wounded.

Let’s choose option (7.) and look up the first related definition-word ‘H2342’ in the source dictionary
A primitive root; properly to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner), that is, (specifically) to dance, to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear; figuratively to wait, to pervert: - bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to) calve, dance, drive away, fall grievously (with pain), fear, form, great, grieve, (be) grievous, hope, look, make, be in pain, be much (sore) pained, rest, shake, shapen, (be) sorrow (-ful), stay, tarry, travail (with pain), tremble, trust, wait carefully (patiently), be wounded.

Let’s not at this time pursue these connections any farther but return to the top and make a different choice.

Let’s think exhaustive and start at the beginning or rather “In the beginning”.
The word “In” is not in the concordance in common form, next
The word “the” is not in the concordance in common form, next
The word “beginning” is in the concordance, next
Let’s choose option (5.), and go to the first related concordance-word ‘begin’, next
Let’s choose option (6.), go to the next reference, until we come to a new source dictionary word, which is this one
Neh 11:17 And Mattaniah4983 the son1121 of Micha,4318 the son1121 of Zabdi,2067 the son1121 of Asaph,623 was the principal7218 to begin8462 the thanksgiving3034 in prayer:8605 and Bakbukiah1229 the second4932 among his brethren,4480, 251 and Abda5653 the son1121 of Shammua,8051 the son1121 of Galal,1559 the son1121 of Jeduthun.3038
Let’s choose option (7.) and go to the source dictionary for ‘BEGIN 161117 098462’
From H2490 in the sense of opening; a commencement; relatively original (adverbially originally)

: - begin (-ning), first (time).
Let’s not at this time pursue these connections any farther but return to the top and make a different choice.

Let’s think exhaustive and start at the beginning or rather “In the beginning”.
The word “In” is not in the concordance in common form, next
The word “the” is not in the concordance in common form, next
The word “beginning” is in the concordance, next
Let’s choose option (5.), and go to the first related concordance-word ‘begin’, next
Let’s choose option (6.), go to the next reference, until we come to a new source dictionary word, which is this one
Mat 24:49 And2532 shall begin756 to smite5180 his fellow servants,4889 and1161 to eat2068 and2532 drink4095 with3326 the3588 drunken;3184
Let’s choose option (7.) and go to the source dictionary for ‘BEGIN 402449 020756’
Middle voice of G757 (through the implication of precedence); to commence (in order of time)

: - rehearse from the) begin (-ning).
Let’s choose option (7.) and look up the first related definition-word ‘G757’ in the source dictionary
A primary verb; to be first (in political rank or power)

: - reign (rule) over.

Hopefully this will shed some light on the system of choices that you use and help you with your studies. Your obedience and faithfulness in this matter is changing the course of history veiwed from some vantage points!

And so, ‘bible mnemonics’ although different than ‘bible study’ is an equal and complementary skill.

--- next context and flow ----

Blogger> Using Reference Works

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Context and Flow

--- continuation of Chapter 3 ---

Good morning, i believe you are ready and this is a good time to look at our ‘mnemonic context and reference flow charts’ which will provide ever increasing joy in our travels. These are the foundational charts for our angelic training in traveling at the speed of thought. All that we have seen so far is integrated in these condensed charts. Do not panic when you see them for they do require some explanation.

Here is the 1 Sam. 31:13. steady growing condensed chart.

CODE,CitSky,- WORD,ApaRoo,- REF,BoxCar,- NEXT,AddCit,
(note: city via: 000000universe,000000cluster,000000galaxy,000000system,
000000planet, 000112continent,112111city)
CODE,CitSky,112111 WORD,ApaRoo,222160 REF,BoxCar,093112 NEXT,AddCit,192912 !T-HEM!!T-HAIR!!ANT!!T-HAY!!TOOK!!T-HARE!
CODE,CitSky,192912 WORD,ApaRoo,222165 REF,BoxCar,093113 NEXT,AddCit,211628 !T-HARE!!BONES!!ANT!!BARE REED!!T-HEM!!UN DOOR!
CODE,CitSky,211628 WORD,ApaRoo,222170 REF,BoxCar,093113 NEXT,AddCit,280121 !UN DOOR!!UH!!TREE!!TAT!!JAB ESH!!ANT!!FAST HEAD!
CODE,CitSky,280121 WORD,ApaRoo,222175 REF,BoxCar,093113 NEXT,AddCit,171981 !ANT!!FAST HEAD! !SEVEN!!DAYS!!NO OUGH! !U-IT!
CODE,CitSky,222160 REF,BoxCar,040743 !ANN!!HUN DRED!!ANT!(them)!THIRD TEE!!CHECK L'S!!UH!!SILL FUR!
CODE,CitSky,093112 REF,BoxCar,260801 !SAT!!BEE FOUR!!ME!!T-HAT!!THTHUH!!HAND!
CODE,CitSky,222165 REF,BoxCar,431828 !WENT!!KNOT!!IN TWO!(their)!THTHUH!!JUDGE MINT!!HALL!
CODE,CitSky,222170 REF,BoxCar,432005 !WENT!!HEE!!KNOT!!INN!(under)!T-HEN!!COME ETH!!SIGH MON!
CODE,CitSky,093113 above
CODE,CitSky,222175 REF,BoxCar,672503 !HANDS!!UN TWO!!INN NICK QUIT TEE!(and)!DEW!!GOOD!!OH!!LORD!
CODE,CitSky,093113 above
CODE,CitSky,222160 REF,BoxCar,040743 !ANN!!HUN DRED!!ANT!(them)!THIRD TEE!!CHECK L'S!!UH!!SILL FUR!
CODE,CitSky,040743 REF,BoxCar,032547 !SEW JOURN HUR!!OAR!!STRANGE HUR!!WAX!!RICH!(ma)
CODE,CitSky,032547 REF,BoxCar,232912 !SAY ETH!!EYE!!HAM!!KNOT!!LEARN HEAD!!WARE FOUR!(key)
CODE,CitSky,093112 REF,BoxCar,260801 !SAT!!BEE FOUR!!ME!!T-HAT!!THTHUH!!HAND!
CODE,CitSky,260801 REF,BoxCar,014141 !UN TWO!!CHOSE IF!!SEA!!EYE!!HALF!!SET!!T-HEE!
CODE,CitSky,222165 REF,BoxCar,431828 !WENT!!KNOT!!IN TWO!(their)!THTHUH!!JUDGE MINT!!HALL!
CODE,CitSky,431828 REF,BoxCar,013408 !HUR!!HYMN!!TWO!!WIFE!!ANT!(fee)
CODE,CitSky,661701 REF,BoxCar,051211 !SHELL!!CHEWS!!TWO!!CAUSE!!HISS!(tye)
CODE,CitSky,420504 REF,BoxCar,380106 !RE TURN HEAD!!ANT!!SAID!!LIKE!!ASS!(rye)

Here is a break down an explanation of the chart. Chart reading skills greatly enhance speed of thought travel and memory.

[SUB'M TOTE'M], you have seen this peg-word for 1 Sam 31:13.

MNEMONIC, to aid the memory.

CONTEXT, the text in its natural Ing Leash order.

MNEMONIC CONTEXT, the text in its natural order with numeric shorthand.

BLOCK, consisting of 16 six digit numbers, 4 rows and 4 columns.

MNEMONIC CONTEXT BLOCK, consisting of 25 Ing Leash words in context, each with a number, a location, and part of a peg-phrase.

REFERENCE FLOW, this chart is condensed from an exhaustive one. Each number on the chart has a scripture peg-phrase which in turn has a location, which also has a scripture peg-phrase and location, the process is continued until exhaustion. The words of each peg-phrase also each have an numbered incremental sequence.

CODE,CitSky, this is a 6 digit number derived from the first consonant of six KJV words. The City and Skyscraper images combined with the numbers become unique, they also have a unique location on an x-y-z axis. The images are visualized in a sequence from macro to micro using cubes inside of cubes, all of base ten.

WORD,ApaRoo, this is a 6 digit number derived from the numerical position of each word, The Apartment and Room images combined with the numbers become unique, they also have a unique location on an x-y-z axis. The images are visualized in a sequence from macro to micro using cubes inside of cubes, all of base ten.

REF,BoxCar, this is a 6 digit number derived from the book, chapter, and verse. The Box and Card images combined with the numbers become unique, they also have a unique location on an x-y-z axis. The images are visualized in a sequence from macro to micro using cubes inside of cubes, all of base ten.

NEXT,AddCit, this is a 6 digit number which is the Address of the next City (both an address and a city) to provide a continuous text. Their images combined with the numbers become unique, they also have a unique location on an x-y-z axis. Here the sequence moves from the smallest unit (address) to the largest (city).

(note: city via: 000000universe,000000cluster,000000galaxy,000000system,
000000planet ,000112continent,112111city), This is a city whose coordinates on the x-y-z axis are 1-1-2. The city is on a continent, on a planet, in a system, in a galaxy, in a cluster, in a universe all of which have coordinates of 0-0-0.

CODE,CitSky,112111 – short hand for 6 words.
WORD,ApaRoo,222160 – number of the first word.
REF,BoxCar,093112 - 9th book, 31st chapter, 12th verse.
NEXT,AddCit,192912. – short hand for next 6 words with one overlap.

This is a complete string with the 6 words (them there. And they took their, #222,160-222,165 starting in 1Sa 31:12) in the form of syllable pictures for memory association.

This complete string of 6 words above is displayed in groups of 4 identified as a ‘mnemonic context box’. And finally this ‘mnemonic context box’ is followed by a ‘reference flow’ as previously described. Take time to read the charts because they are maps of the One Reality. They are an abstract of our journeys rather we are aware of them or not. They also function as a guide and mark of our progress on any proposed mission. If we are in between missions, we will systematically and strategically proceed from the great boundaries inward, ever increasing our inward bible knowledge.

--- next semantics ---

Blogger> Context and Flow

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


--- continuation of chapter 3 ---

On the earth mnemonics are connected with fanciful imaginations and associations which indeed does work well, but most dismiss it as a less than serious pursuit, and many even conclude that it is nonsense. Semantics - the meaning of words, symbols, and of meaning itself, on the other hand is reserved for those involved in top intellectual pursuits. In our angelic training semantics are a mnemonic device, and here is how it works.

All words are grouped according to meaning\usage and a 6 digit number is assigned to each group. The 6 digit number can have the meaning of one or all of the words in the group according to each individuals ability. The group numbers work in a similar way as do verse numbers in the Bible in that the verse is the same for various translations, versions, and languages. The words are ever changing and moving around but the group is surprisingly stable and exists for most languages and dialects. The 6 digit numbers are convenient for freeform associations with the 6 digit Bible system as an aid to memory.

As you know many words have multiple meanings and many words have similar meanings even to the point of being interchangeable. And then there are those words that sound the same but have different meanings for rhyming and those that sound exactly the same but are different. Words vary from small to wide fields of meaning and application. And with half words added to the beginning and ending of words and stems new words are invented all the time. There are those also who have a full time jobs just naming new products.

The groups of words are put into topics and so the topics of various sizes also have a different number of numbers like verses in a chapter. The topics are then placed in an ‘analysis of topics’ and ‘synopsis of categories’ which lend themselves to remarkable relationships and grand knowledge. The mnemonic or memory power is built quit naturally because a context is given to every word in contrasting categories according to meaning and yet organized sequentially and related by number to every other numbered group. As the same word shows up in many groups understanding as to how it is used and a working knowledge of semantics is inevitable and self evident.

We were taught that the Ing Leash language breaks down like this

All words in ‘Analysis of Topics’ 000101-104216
- - - Exteriority 000101-042114
- - - Interiority 042201-104216
- - - - - - (a surprising number of words show up in both broad categories!)

Exteriority classes are; abstract relations, space, physics, and matter[1], each with its own span of numbers.
Interiority classes are; body, soul, and spirituality with unique 6 digit numbers.

Soul for example breaks down into; intellectual words, volitional words, and affection words[1].

i think you get the picture. These categories, classes, and synopsis of topics are made up of groups of words with like meanings. For example:

000113 (adjs) existent, existing, in existence, subsistent, subsisting, being, in being, living in the abstract as apposed to living in organic matter, present, extant, prevalent, current, in force or effect, on foot, under the sun, on the face of the earth.
000114 self-existent, self-existing, innascible, uncreated, increate.
000115 real, actual, factual, veritable, for real, historical, positive, undeniable, absolute, true in abstract existence as apposed to true as in comformity to intellectual fact as an aspect of the soul, honest to God, genuine, authentic in abstract existence as apposed to authentic as in comformity to intellectual fact as an aspect of the soul, substantial in abstract being as apposed to substantial in concrete being[1].

The groups of word fit into increasing, interlocking, contrasting, and sequential categories as such:
000101-104216 ANALYSIS OF TOPICS
- - 000101-042114 EXTERIORITY
- - - - 000101-017810 ABSTRACT RELATIONS
- - - - - - 000101-000813 EXISTENCE
- - - - - - - - 000101-000208 BEING IN THE ABSTRACT
- - - - - - - - - - 000101-000116 EXISTING
- - - - - - - - - - - - 000113
- - - - - - - - - - - - 000114
- - - - - - - - - - - - 000115

So in conclusion strict assignment of meaning and freeform association are complementary, and aid in memorizing and inward bible knowledge building.

[1] adapted from Roget’s International Thesaurus, fourth edition, revised by Robert L. Chapman, Harper & Row, publishers, New York.

- - - - next Gen 1:1 Block - - - -

Blogger> Semantics